Only four cows have been to Antarctica, all Guernseys. Three cows went with Admiral Byrd in 1933 when he went to the South Pole. Their names were Deerfoot, Emmadine and Klondike. The fourth was a calf named Iceburg that was born to Emmadine during that trip. They traveled across the ocean to Antarctica and back. These Guernseys came from the Emmadine farm of J.C. Penney in Hopewell Junction, NY 

As with all breeds, since the polled gene has become a rare gene in dairy cows, because of the failure to repeat the genes of the horned (ox) family lines, we need to have at least 10 elite cow Sponsors who will flush their cows to top polled bulls to create the bull mothers of the future. We also need 100 member sponsors for each bull of the breed who will raise polled animals to create proofs for the families and to provide a nucleus for further choices. Picking top polled cows is important, and to do that we need to have as many cows bred polled to produce the next generation as possible. If you can contribute cows, heifers, and recipients for these projects, please register and let us know what you can contribute. 

Please also identify the Guernsey polled females with their records if they are elite cows or offspring of an elite animal.


Polled Cow Sponsors

Neil & Janice Jensen [ ]
1361 60th St.
Turtle Lake, WI 54889 715-268-8611

Dale A and Teressa Jensen
1308 80 Cty Rd E
Amery, WI 54001 715-268-8711 Luxury Heifer

Lyle K Jensen
1308 80 Cty Rd E
Amery, WI 54001 715-268-6368

Randy and Barbara Boutwell  [ ]      Midas is their breeding!
Kasota, MN 56050 

 ( Randy and Barbara have kept the polled gene going in America  Semen to share)

Jon White is the primary serious breeder in the UK.  UK phone /fax number is 01647 440280

Digby Gribble ( EGCS) d.gribble []

Morey Miller DVM, Granby, CT   860-653-7778

Lynn Augspurger
8 Creekside Rd
Hopewell Junction NY 12533