SunShower Acres



Polled Genetic Pacesetter Proven Holsteins


       NAAB    Name                   NM$   Milk      %P     #P      %F    #F    SSC   %R    Type       US     %R   CE   aAa   Price  Pedigree


 29HO9916  Tripod P RC    307  1280  -.05  27  -.12  18  2.95  92  +0.37  +1.40  89   9  435  $24  Rudolph x Momentum 

140HO0550  Trevy P RC     259  1173  +.00  34  -.13  11  2.90  92  +0.73  +0.60  85   9  324  $20  Rudolph x Momentum

 76HO0369  Trap P RC      240  1105  +.01  36  -.05  28  3.02  70  +0.58# +0.71# 43   9  234  $16  Bellwood x Aerostar

120HO0427  Poll Party-Red 151   276  +.02  13  +.10  35  3.23  58  +0.49# +0.26# 39  NA  345  $14  Lo-Nox x Poll Plus



Polled Pacesetter Holstein Young Sires


Name                                       Color    Reg. #            Pedigree                                                                               Analysis     Price


Aggravation Dieter P     RC    130853327   Addison x (VG-87) Aerostar / 187,520M % 3.3%P   546312    $10

Aggravation Hardwood P   Red   129426468   Redwood x (VG-87) Aerostar / 187,520M % 3.3%P   462531    $10

Aggravation Lawn Boy P   Red   133080890   Bacculum x (VG) Manfred / 23,810M & 4.0%F       261435    $ 7

Burket-Falls Perk P      Red   130043010   Phideaux x (VG-87) P Plus / 4.4%F 3.3%P Life    342516    $10

Burket-Falls Preview P   RC    132556851   R Marshall x (VG-86) P Plus / 31,060M +Test     423156    $ 7


Burket-Falls Special P   RC    131070105   Convincer x (VG-87) P Plus / 4.4%F 3.3%P Life   165324    $10

Hickorymea Tenafly P     Red   132547172   Lyon x (VG-88) Milestone / Milk & High Test     345126    $ 7

Hickorymea Tipton P      RC    133044832   Dutch Boy x (VG-88) Milestone / Milk & Test     312546    $ 7

Hickorymea Truvalu P     Red   131853544   Blaze x (EX-GMD: VG-MS) Commotion / 38,410M     324156    $ 8

Hickorymea Overtime P    Blk   132986540   Forbidden x (EX: EX-MS) Bellwood / 33,710M      135264    $ 7


Ask about preferred discounts on young sire semen when herd is on official DHI



Volume discounts available - Prices and availability subject to change without notice.


SunShower Acres, Ltd.,   P O Box 658,  Longmont, CO 80502-0658  Ph/Fax: 303.702.1234

Updated 05/15/03